OMA at Cragin
OMA General Music
OMA General Music is a program for students in Kindergarten through 3rd Grade. Students work on developing a foundation for their musicianship while also relating the content to what they are working on in the classroom. Some activities include creating and performing patterns and rhythm with our bodies and instruments, analyzing music, singing, playing instruments, etc.

The OMA Instrumental Duo
One of the Duo’s main goals is to develop auditory acuity.  Learning basic listening skills and hearing live music on a regular basis can help with language acquisition in these young students.  The Duo’s lessons tie to the core curriculum, and reinforce the themes and standards being taught by the classroom teacher.  Here are just a few examples of what the students learn during Duo time: songs and games about counting and math; instruments, cultures, and holidays from around the world; stories and music; composers from Beethoven to Duke Ellington; improvising and playing instruments along with the Duo. We are proud to be part of the teaching team here at Cragin!

OMA Opera
OMA Opera is a program for 1st grade students. Students use elements from their ELA curriculum (setting, beginning, middle, and end, characters, and problem/solution) to create an opera from scratch.  Once the students are able to understand these elements, they create their own story. As we write the story with them, they create lyrics and melodies to fit into their story. From there, we are able to put it into a full opera that they rehearse and perform at the end of the year.

OMA Dance
OMA Dance is a program for 2nd grade students. Students work on the basics of movement while understanding shapes and lines used in math. They also typically learn a bit about Japanese culture through dance since Nicole teaches Taiko at other campuses.

OMA Visual Art
OMA Visual Art is a program for 3rd grade students. Students learn to find numbers, shapes, and patterns in art using Ninja Math. Once they understand the form of the piece mathematically, they are then able to create their own art using the same type of math problems.

OMA Band and Orchestra
In 4th grade violins are taught to every student by Mr. Ensey. They have a performance twice a year. Once in 5th grade students are given the choice of band or orchestra with violins, chello, viola, bass, clarinet, baritone, saxaphone, flute, trumpet or trombone. Because we have a r4esident dance teacher, students may instead choose to participate in dance instead of an instrument.